Sunday, February 21, 2010

Hi Stephanie and Bart,
By votives I'm assuming you are talking about votive 'holders' and I think that's great! I would use no less than 3 per table and preferrably 5 to place around the centerpieces. Again I assume they're around 2"- 3" tall. If you don't have enough we can supplement with some of ours. I'd like to see a pic or perhaps you can drop them off. Or... I'm not sure where you live but I come down 83 to work so we could also meet and I could bring them to work for you if that would make it easier.

Both of the tall centerpieces you've shown here are beautiful though very different. It's easy enough to omit the twigs in the first one but tell me what you like about the second. Is it the vase, the Bells of Ireland (tall green flower) and which do you prefer?

Thursday, February 11, 2010


I know we havent discussed finalized table decor.  Kristin just gave me a ton of votives that have been used in all the families weddings.  If we find  a use i have tons!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

tall centerpiece ideas

Bart and I sat down and looked for some ideas of tall centerpieces.  Let me know your thoughts: 

Bart likes the height of this one but he doesnt want twigs inside. (I like the twigs) but maybe this is a place where we can incorporate crystals or something shiny.  Bart also mentioned that he likes things that dangle down from the centerpieces. 

I will look for more soon! Hope you are staying warm in all this snow!