Thursday, November 19, 2009

Pink, Green and Black

Here are some other weddings in  where Pink is the main color. Might as well start at the top so below is a wedding in the garden of Coco Chanel.

It's really not that over the top considering the location. I like the knapkin treatment with the menus and I've always loved roses and hydrangea together.

Now this I think is more your pink.

Here they've used Orchids and black beaded trim in the tall centerpieces.

In the one above they've used Dahlias, Peonies, Callas, various Roses, Hydrangea and Cockscomb. I think this would look a lot better with less white. Most people think that by adding white it brightens up the pallet but actually it can do just the oposite.

 Less white more pop.

Like I said the above is just for fun. I'll start posting more florals this week. I've got some great ideas I can't hardly wait to share.  If you find any pictures or ideas please feel free to post them here or send them to me, which ever is easiest for you.
More to come soon.