Sunday, December 13, 2009

Replacing Orchids with Hydrangea

Hi Stephanie. I actually really like the escort table. Just be aware once guests start removing their names the table may get a little messed up. I could actually fix that problem with a little quilters glue or non-toxic glue stick. Just a light tack on the back of the ribbons to keep it in place. You probably already thought of that =)

On your first bouquet you suggest replacing the white orchids with hydrangea. This would totally change the look of the bouquets. I love hydrangea but the bouquets will look "fluffier" as I've tried to illustrate below.

But we could always use the baby hydrangea which are smaller and green.

In your second bouquet of roses and peonies we could use the baby hydrangea in place of the buds you don't like or even the green button mums shown in your last picture of the florals for the church.

As for your picture of possible church florals, I believe the hydrandea are dyed. They're always coming up with new varieties so I'll have to look into it.

The pictures you posted are excellent. It's giving me a very clear idea of what you like and don't like. Thanks for taking the time to post them. Will be posting some candle ideas for you to look at soon.
Happy Holidays

Saturday, December 12, 2009

some ideas

How about this for the escort table?  I like this a bit more than our original idea.  It is just a bit more detailed.  What do you think?

I like this bouquet except with less white maybe some hydrengas would be nice with it. 

This is also really nice but I dont like the green buds sticking out. I wish there was something different there. 

I like these for the church maybe?

I just want to make sure we dont get too much into the purple hues with the flowers or centerpieces.  Thanks for the constant communication.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Two Flower Girls???

So you want two flower girls... here are some weddings that did just that.





Thursday, November 19, 2009

Pink, Green and Black

Here are some other weddings in  where Pink is the main color. Might as well start at the top so below is a wedding in the garden of Coco Chanel.

It's really not that over the top considering the location. I like the knapkin treatment with the menus and I've always loved roses and hydrangea together.

Now this I think is more your pink.

Here they've used Orchids and black beaded trim in the tall centerpieces.

In the one above they've used Dahlias, Peonies, Callas, various Roses, Hydrangea and Cockscomb. I think this would look a lot better with less white. Most people think that by adding white it brightens up the pallet but actually it can do just the oposite.

 Less white more pop.

Like I said the above is just for fun. I'll start posting more florals this week. I've got some great ideas I can't hardly wait to share.  If you find any pictures or ideas please feel free to post them here or send them to me, which ever is easiest for you.
More to come soon.